One of the smartest lab-grown diamond detectors with the highest capacity
$ 22,499.00
- Excluded of all taxes and Shipping Charge
Scan lab-grown diamonds at the convenience of your facility.
Simple And Easy To Use. Just Plug and play.
360° View
➣ J Smart Pro Diamond Detection is one of the smartest CVD/HPHT lab-grown diamond detectors with the highest scanning capacity of 9 X 6 inches.
➣ It provides reliable results with an auto-focusing function.
➣ It has 5 different trays for all types of jewellery and loses diamonds, including 360-degree auto-rotating trays for eternity jewellery designs.
Loose & Mounted

CVD/HPHT & Treated

0.003 carat and larger
All Shapes

9 x 6 inches

D to K
Rough & Polished


45 to 90 Seconds
Key Features
Automatically Detects
Automatically detects lab-grown diamonds(CVD & HPHT) in bulk loose diamonds and mounted jewellery.
Colour Range
Colour ranges from D to K and Detects enhanced & treated diamonds in all shapes.
High accuracy of over +98% in Automatic detection mode, and rest assured in an advanced quad screening mode.
Long UV
Exclusive internal long UV light to reduce false positive results.
Zooming Option
20X – Zooming options and position pointer in advanced quad screening mode for accurate and easy screening.
Scanning Modes
Dual scanning modes for efficient scanning, completing the process within 45 to 90 seconds.
Print & Download
Print or Download a customized screening report and export the scan result in Excel.
Included Accessories

Loose Diamond Tray
a. Uncounted Diamonds of Any Size

Ring and Jewellery Tray
a. Rings(up to 36 at one time)in no particular arrangement
b. Pendants or necklaces
c. Earrings
d. Link or straight-line bracelets
e. Cufflinks

Eternity Ring Tray
a. Eternity Rings
b. Hoop Earrings
c. Wide Rings with Shanks That Do Not Fit into Ring Tray Slots
d. Rings with Diamonds That Surround the Shank of the Ring

Bracelet Tray
(this fixture can either be activated for automatic all-around scanning or can hold jewelry without motion)
a. Bangle Bracelets
b. Watches
Technical Specification

410 x 395x 475(in mm)

Power Requirements:
100/240 volt

Temperature Range:
5° to 35° C

35 KG

Windows 10 Touchscreen PC
(500 GB storage)
Product Video
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Portable, Reliable and optimal. A compact way of detection.
Detection at its Best. Innovative detection device.
Encapsulation is the true beauty that lies within.
A Unique diamond belongs to its true owner.
Crafting Facets. Facilitating the creation of smooth and reflective diamonds.
Fancy shapes having better girdles are produced.
Produces perfect roundness and finish of the girdle.